A Young Lad Goes To Work.

What Follows Next Is Super Funny.

A young lad goes to work for the first time on a building site.

The site foreman tells him to go over to where the roofs are being put on and see Donkey Smith who will give him a job:

Off the lad goes and when he gets to the houses he asks one of the brickies.

“Where can I find Donkey Smith?”

“Over by the cement mixer.” Replies the bricklayer.

He approaches the man and asks.

“Are you, Donkey Smith?”

The man looks at him in a rage and with an obvious stutter shout

“Who told, who told, who told you to call me Donkey?”

The lad replies.

“The site foreman told me to look for Donkey Smith.”

The man replied.

“Well Heehaw, Heehaw, Heehaw to know better!”

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