Two Blokes Walk Into A Pub.

This Will Blow Your Mind.

Two blokes walk into a pub…(How come they always start like that??)

and one of them orders drinks…

’Hey Donkey! What would you like?’ Goes the first bloke.

‘A beer please’, goes the other guy.

Drinks are bought round by round and each time the first bloke enquires of his mate he always asks,

‘Hey Donkey! What would you like?’ and this goes on for a little while until the first bloke excuses himself and heads off to the toilet.

The barman takes this opportunity to ask the guy sitting at the bar,

‘Hey man, why does that guy always call you Donkey?’

The fellow puts his beer down and looks the barman square in the eye and replies,

‘Ee or, Ee or, Ee always calls me that!’