A Shepherd Looks Over At His Flock Of Sheep.

This Is Funny.

A shepherd looks over at his flock of sheep in the pasture.

The day is ending soon, and he has to herd the sheep into their pen for the night.

The shepherd calls for his trusty sheepdog and asks it to get the job done.

“Right away, sir,” says the sheepdog.

10 minutes later, and the shepherd glances out his window to see the sheep safely in their pen.

The sheepdog bounds in through the door to report the completion of its task.

“Excellent work, did you get all of them?” asks the shepherd.

“Yes, all 40 of them.”

The shepherd stares confusedly at the sheepdog.

“Hang on, I thought I only had 37 sheep?”

The sheepdog replies,

“Well yes, I rounded them up.”