An Elderly Man Married A Young Woman.

This Is Truly Hilarious.

After the death of his wife, an elderly man married a young woman…

Now he was spending less time with his friends.

His concerned friends enquired if there was any problem?

“I love to spend time with you friends but, my poor wife gets lonely when I’m away…”

Friends advised him to keep a young tenant at home so that she will be happy in the company of a younger person…

The elderly man promptly acted on their advise and leased a room in house to a young tenant…

The friends were meeting more often.

One day the friends jokingly asked,

“How is your wife now?”

“She is not lonely at all, in fact she is happy and *She is pregnant*”

The friends laughed, as they expected this.

“How is the tenant?” they asked…

The man replied very soberly…

She is also pregnant…